How to Restart PlexConnect Launch Daemon


Setting up PlexConnect on your Mac via a launch daemon is great, and allows PlexConnect to run without user intervention, and without the need for the Terminal window to be running on the desktop.  But, if you are making any changes to the PlexConnect files that require a restart of PlexConnect, you don’t always want to reboot your Mac entirely to apply the changes you made.

Here’s a simple fix in Terminal to stop and restart the PlexConnect daemon.

Open Terminal and issue the following commands:

Stop PlexConnect: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.plex.plexconnect.bash.plist
Start PlexConnect: sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.plex.plexconnect.bash.plist

How to Setup PlexConnect for US Netflix


Already using the amazing PlexConnect on your unjailbroken Apple TV?  If not, you should be.

After configuring PlexConnect, you may have noticed that you required to change the DNS of your Apple TV to the IP address of your computer running PlexConnect.  This can cause issues if you are currently using a specific DNS address to access US Netflix content outside of the US.

Fear not, the PlexConnect developers have coded an easy fix to get you back up and running.

First, navigate on your Mac or PC to where you installed the PlexConnect-master folder.  If you’re unsure where you extracted the folder (it is recommended to have it located in /Applications), you can use Spotlight to locate it.

Open PlexConnect-Master\Settings.cfg with TextEdit


Modify the ip_dnsmaster = line to include the DNS IP address required for US Netflix.  If you need a working DNS address, check out NetflixFixer here for updated working addresses.

Also, ensure the enable_dnsserver is set to True.

After making the required changes to the Settings.cfg file, Save the changes and exit.

You will require to restart PlexConnect for the changes to take effect (you may also have to restart your Apple TV).

If you are manually running PlexConnect in a terminal window, close it, and restart a new instance of PlexConnect.

If you’re running PlexConnect on your Mac as a hidden launch daemon, check out our post on how to restart the PlexConnect daemon.

PlexConnect fix

Recently, Apple has pushed an update to all Apple TVs that for many broke the popular PlexConnect video streaming on non-jailbroken Apple TVs. Luckily, a developer has posted a workaround to get the functionality back. The fix involves using Apple Configurator to create a signed certificate that the ATV can use to authenticate the new HTTPS encryption used by the trailers app.
You do need a Mac to run the Apple Configurator software, so if you don’t have one, find a buddy that does to generate your certificate.
